How Can You Have Speedy Recovery after Root Canal?
September 1, 2022 fakt_md_aDmEeN
Have you received a recommendation for root canal treatment on a specific tooth because it causes severe pain besides sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures even after removing the sensation? The tooth’s pain and sensitivity indicate a deep infection affecting your dental pulp needing treatment from the endodontist in Manalapan as soon as possible before the infection spreads further.
You might express fear listening to the dental specialist, wondering how you developed the tooth infection to require this fearsome therapy that will likely cause even more pain. However, if you request the Manalapan endodontist for information on this therapy, they will gladly explain what to expect from the procedure and any further information you want about your recovery after a root canal.
How Did You Develop Dental Pulp Infection?
You can develop a dental pulp infection from an untreated cavity that has expanded until your mouth bacteria found its way to the center of the tooth housing the dental pulp. The soft center of your tooth also houses the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue of the tooth.
The infection also develops from chips or cracks on your teeth, allowing your mouth bacteria to penetrate them to cause infections within the tooth. Some symptoms you might notice when you have infected or inflamed dental pulp include severe pain in the tooth besides sensitivity to temperatures, challenges when biting and chewing, swollen and tender gums, and deep decay and darkening of the gums.
When you visit Manalapan dentists to evaluate the discomfort you experience, they x-ray the tooth to assess the damage and understand whether you have this specific infection before recommending you to Manalapan dentists to have this fearsome treatment to relieve the pain you experience and preserve your natural tooth.
Root canals have a fearsome reputation because of myths spread about the therapy. Earlier the lack of modern techniques and anesthesia made the treatment unbearable. Fortunately, root canal freehold, NJ, doesn’t cause any pain when receiving it. In reality, it relieves you of the pain you experience by eradicating the infection in a simple therapy requiring a couple of appointments.
If you need the treatment on an anterior tooth, the specialist completes the treatment within 90 minutes. Molars require more time because they have multiple canals that need cleaning when receiving the treatment.
Recovering Speedily after Undergoing Root Canals
The dentist in Manalapan provides precise instructions on caring for your tooth and mouth after a root canal.
The procedure requires the specialist to drill your tooth to expose the dental pulp to remove it and shape the inside of the root canal before filling and sealing the space. You can have the tooth restored after you recover from your regular dentist with a dental crown.
You must diligently follow the specialist’s instructions when recovering from a root canal. However, if you want to recover quickly without complications, the specialist recommends following the steps mentioned below without exceptions.
- Avoid Eating Immediately: Your endodontist administers anesthesia in the mouth when performing a root canal to help prevent pain. You will likely experience numbness in the mouth until three to four hours after the procedure, making it likely for you to bite your tongue, cheeks, and lips. Therefore you must avoid eating until the numbness has subsided and remain careful to chew from the side of your mouth away from the treated tooth.
- Elevate Your Head When Lying down: You will experience soreness and swelling around the mouth after a root canal. Use extra pillows to elevate your head while you recover when lying down. The elevation prevents blood from rushing to your head, causing additional bleeding.
- Pain Relievers: the pain you anticipated before the treatment affects you after the anesthesia wears off. However, dentists recommend a prescription or over-the-counter painkillers to help alleviate the discomfort.
- Saltwater Rinses: You will likely find it challenging to brush the treated tooth the day after your treatment, and using mouthwash is not recommended after this therapy. However, you can use salt water rinses about four times daily to rinse your mouth and prevent infections.
- Swelling: swelling is expected after undergoing endodontic treatment. However, you can help alleviate the swelling using ice packs on your cheeks intermittently at 15-minute intervals soon after your root canal. However, you mustn’t exceed the time limit suggested because ice packs can cause tissue damage if overused.
- Rest: Don’t consider jumping into your regular activities soon after receiving a root canal. Instead, take time off work or school and avoid strenuous activities while recovering.
- Smoking and Alcohol: the chemicals in tobacco are harmful to your recovery, and your dentist recommends you stop smoking 24 hours before until 48 hours after having a root canal. Alcohol can interact with the painkillers and antibiotics you receive to prevent infections. Therefore you must refrain from these practices until you have recovered.
The specialist provides precise instructions on what you can and should not do during your recovery to help you heal quickly. They also suggest you get a dental crown over the treated tooth to prevent it from breaking.
Millions of root canals are performed annually to eradicate infections within the tooth and preserve it. The tips suggested above can help you with a speedy recovery after undergoing this treatment.
Faktor DMD — Manalapan, NJ, performing endodontic therapy in the region, provides the tips mentioned above for quick recovery from root canal treatments. If you need this therapy for a painful tooth, kindly schedule an appointment with the practice to receive it and preserve your natural tooth.